A reader-friendly translation is a convincing text
An excellent translation not only gets the message across accurately and effectively, it also has the right tone of voice. I translate like a copywriter. With transcreation you will get your written message across to your target audience.
English and Dutch
Translating like a copywriter
Once you have spent time and energy finding the right words, you will also want your target audience to enjoy the message after it has been translated into another language.
The translation should not just be accurate and complete, but also capture the soul of the original document.
“The devil is in the detail”
English and Dutch proofreading and editing
Do you have an important message that really matters?
Yes, I am looking for an experienced copy editor.
Please send an email to Christy & Co Language Professionals.
Dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s.
What clients say
Christy is wonderful. She is good at transcreation: translating like a copywriter.
Mathilde Lageman, Director of STE Languages
Christy and her colleagues always offer added value. Their suggestions are great. Thanks to Christy & Co Language Professionals our copy has become livelier and more reader-friendly.
Sabine Zinsmeister, NWO
As translators and copy editors we work for:
Organisations such as:
- Feyenoord
- IVN Natuureducatie
- Lagant
- Oxfam Novib
- Snip Snap on Social
Education & science:
- Hogeschool Amsterdam
- Npuls onderwijsinnovatie
- SURF Versnellingsplan
As translators we work for:
Art & Culture:
- Dutch Design Week
- Garage Rotterdam
- Grote Kerk Breda
- Grote Kerk Veere
- Jacob Ahlbom Company
- Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
- Rijksmuseum Boerhaave Leiden
- Rotterdam Festivals
- Teylers Museum
- Theater Rotterdam
- Valkhof Nijmegen